Saturday, June 29, 2019

How To Prepare For Lahore’s Termite Swarms

Its finally summer here in Lahore and a lot of things are changing. Yet despite all of the noticeable changes, some smaller ones tend to go under the radar, at least until they are right in our faces. One thing that is different that you may not have noticed is that termites are swarming. That’s right, wood-eating, home-destroying termites have taken to the air in a search for new homes and places to eat. If you are not careful, they may choose your home as their next food source.

What Are Termite Swarmers?

Termite swarmers are winged termites. Typically here in Lahore, fully mature subterranean termite colonies will start sending out swarmers in late and will continue until May. However, other species such as dry wood termites start swarming as summer starts in June. These swarmers main job is to leave their colony and find new locations to build new homes. If they find what they are looking for in or around your home, you may find yourself with a serious problem on your hands.

How You Can Protect Your Home From Termites

When it comes to protecting your home against termites, the best thing you can do is make your home less appealing to them. For the most common species of termite here in Lahore, the subterranean termite, this means reducing moisture. By their nature, these termites need moist areas to live in, and water-damaged wood to feed on. The more you can take away these necessities around your home, the less likely it will be that termites will settle in. Here are a few simple places to start:
  • Trim back foliage around the exterior of your home. The more sunlight can touch your foundation, the dryer and less attractive your home will be to termites.
  • Find and repair water-damaged wood. If any of the wood of your home has been damaged by water, it is susceptible to a termite infestation. Make sure you have any and all of these areas repaired.
  • Search out any leaks or water build up that could be negatively affecting your home’s wood. Eliminate any water sources you find, and fix any leaks.
  • Consider installing dehumidifiers in particularly humid areas of your home. This will reduce moisture and make those areas less attractive to termites.

When To Call The Professionals

If you are already seeing termite swarmers around or in your home, that is a bad sign. It is an indication that you have a fully mature colony nearby or already within your home and is your cue to call in the pros. Even if you don’t see termite swarmers buzzing about, we still recommend having your home inspected for termites. For your free termite inspection or professional termite control service, give us a call today. We would be happy to assess the situation and find a course of action that is right for you.
Courtesy: Its Bug or Us
Safe Havens Enterprises
Address: 170-G, 1st Floor, Phase 1, Defence Housing Authority (DHA), Lahore, Pakistan.
Mobile: +923008418931
Website: Termite Control Lahore

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

What Causes Termites


While termites are drawn to wood, there are other factors that may lead to a termite infestation too. Learn what causes termites and what to do about it.


Subterranean termites, who build their colonies in the soil, are attracted to moisture. Standing water in or around your home's foundation creates an attractive environment for these termites. Leaky pipes are not just a plumbing issue and should be addressed before creating an opportunity for termite infestation. You should also clean your roof gutters and take steps to ensure there is proper drainage around your home. Finally, check that your foundation is properly ventilated and trim back or remove any landscaping that could allow humidity to build up in your home's crawl space.


Even if the soil around your home has been treated by a pest control specialist, wood that serves as a bridge between the ground and your home may create a point of entry for termites. Termites feed on cellulose, an essential component of wood. Subterranean termites will search out food sources that exist above ground in addition to their more readily available food supplies. Any wood that comes into contact with your home's exterior may create an opportunity for termites to infiltrate your home's interior. Remove any stumps, vines, mulch, trellises or other exterior wood such as stacked firewood that is in close proximity to your home's foundation, especially if your home has wooden siding. Note that your roof can also be vulnerable to termite infestation. Trim back any tree limbs that are resting on your roof or touching wooden structures such as eaves or window framing.


In their search for moisture and food, termites will take advantage of any breach in your home's integrity. Even cracks in your foundation's concrete offer opportunities for subterranean termites to gather materials for the construction of their mud tubes, the tunnels by which they travel in their foraging. Periodically inspect your home's entry doors and windows, and reapply caulk where any might be distressed or missing. Similarly, look for any loose or defective seals where electrical conduit or plumbing lines enter your home. And if you are aware of damage to your shingles, fascia boards or eaves, have it repaired immediately. Even these minor fixes can help you defend your home against a termite infestation.


You may live in a state or region that is particularly susceptible to termite infestations. Homeowners in warmer, wetter states such as those of the South and Gulf Coast are typically more likely to experience difficulties with termites. You can also consult the United States Forest Service's map of Termite Infestation Probability (TIP) Zones to determine your home's level of risk to infestation due to local environmental factors. Though some areas of the country have an increased termite presence resulting in more homes attacked, remember that termites are found in every state except Alaska, so don't let your guard down.

Finally, if you do notice termite damage that has never been repaired, or if you suspect that your home may have a termite problem, do not put off contacting a professional termite control company to get an expert opinion.
Courtesy: TERMINIX

For more information, visit our website for Termite Control Lahore.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Signs of Termite Infestation

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Termite infestations can severely compromise the structural integrity of a home or commercial building and can lead to heavy maintenance repair costs, without anyone even knowing. It’s important to get a termite inspection done by a licensed pest professional if you come across the following signs of infestation. However, there are also some red flags signaling the presence of termites that homeowners can keep an eye out for on a regular basis. Here are the top five signs of termite infestation to look out for in your home.

Swarmers or Discarded Wings:

Swarmers, also known as reproductives, are young female and male winged termites. In the springtime, after the last freeze, termite swarmers will emerge from their nest to mate and search for a new location to start a colony, which typically includes our homes. As such, termite swarmers, or their discarded wings near windowsills and doors, are often the first (and only outwardly visible) sign of a termite problem.

Mud Tubes

Subterranean termites, the most destructive termite species, build mud tubes to provide moisture while they travel between their colony and food source. Mud tubes are most often found near the home’s foundation.

Wood damage

Termites tend to eat wood from the inside out, so wood that sounds hollow when tapped often signifies a termite infestation. Homeowners should also look for blistering pieces of wood.

Uneven or Bubbling Paint

Uneven or bubbling paint is often a sign of moisture build up, which could mean one of two things – water damage or termites.


Drywood termites produce wood-colored droppings as they eat through infested wood. If a homeowner finds a small pile of what looks like pellets inside or outside the home, it could be a sign of a drywood termite infestation.

Courtesy: Pest World

For more details visit

Safe Havens Enterprises
170-G, 1st Floor, Phase 1, DHA, Lahore, Pakistan
Mob: +923008418931

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Seasonal Activity for Termites

The winter season here in Pakistan is pretty severe this year. We have experienced a drop in sales for pest fumigation services. It is the same for any other company or person in this field? Do termites hibernate?
I have done a bit of research on this subject. The only reference I found in The United States Department of Agriculture’s ‘Home & Garden Bulletin 64‘ about Subterranean Termites that after the arrival of spring, a large colony results in migration of some proportion of winged termites, in order to start a new colony. This may occur at during the first few warm days of spring, but in case of warm / heated basements, this can also occur during the winters. There is nothing specific about termites remaining inactive during winters.
Orkin is a leading Pest Control Service company and loads of information about pest control on their website. They state on their website that there is change in their daily routine. Specifically termites tend to dig deeper into the soil to avoid cold weather. Food sources which are closer to the surface are abandoned. Termites inside home can also be located which have already found shelter and food in the foundations and walls. These do not retreat back. You can visit their website for loads of more information.
In Seasonal and Daily Patterns in Activity of the Western Drywood Termite, researchers have concluded after performing a number of experiments that activity of subterranean termites is the highest during the summer and decreases relatively in winter seasons. They have also recorded termite activity during different times of day. Termite activity is slow during the morning and evenings and the highest during the late afternoons, when temperatures are high.
I will add to this topic in due time.
Safe Havens Enterprises
Address: 170-G, 1st Floor, Phase 1, Defence Housing Authority (DHA), Lahore, Pakistan.
Mobile: +923008418931

How To Prepare For Lahore’s Termite Swarms

Its finally summer here in Lahore and a lot of things are changing. Yet despite all of the noticeable changes, some smaller ones tend to g...